Publish an eBook for Amazon Kindle or Apple iPad

“If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.” ~ Toni Morrison

Looking to publish your own eBook? 

Modern advances in technology have made self publishing an eBook easier than ever before.  Most readers are familiar with the Amazon Kindle eReader or the Apple iPad tablet.  Amazon allows writers to self publish to its Kindle eBook store by following the instructions on its Kindle Direct Publishing page (see link below).  

If you own an Apple Mac computer, you can download the free iBooks Author app from the Mac App Store which allows you to self publish an eBook formatted for the iPad.  

For more information, check out the resources below.
Amazon - Kindle Direct Publishing

How to Create an E-book for the Kindle Reader

Self Publishing on Amazon: Kindle Direct Publishing

Apple iBooks Author

How to Publish Your Book in the iBookstore

How To Get A Free Canadian ISBN Number