Produce Your Own Podcast

Apple's iTunes Podcasts

You are probably familiar with listening to or watching Podcasts from Apple's iTunes Store, but did you know that you can use free software to make your own Podcasts? Check out the links below for resources that will assist you in the creation of your very own Podcast. See the following iTunes Podcasts for some inspiration before creating your own:

- Classical Mythology Podcast (Grade 9 English)
- The History of Rome (Grade 10 English, Julius Caesar)
- History 5: European Civilization from the Renaissance to the Present (Grade 11 English)
- Rick Steeves' Europe Video (all English courses)

More good Podcasts are available at:

Creating Your Own Podcasts

For Windows and Mac:

Audacity - Free audio editor and recorder
Audacity will allow you to create audio podcasts regardless of the type of computer you have. You can download Audacity from the following link:

For Apple Macs:

GarageBand (part of iLife, included with the purchase of all Mac computers) - Creating a Podcast - Video Tutorial

iTunes - Podcasting Resources - Making a Podcast
With the assistance of the above resources, students will be able to plan, produce and publish their own original podcasts.